Asking for Help

Recognize your needs

Sometimes asking someone for general ‘help’ can be overwhelming for both you and them. By establishing your needs and asking for their help in fulfilling one of them, it may be more manageable and easier to respect everyone’s boundaries as not everyone is equipped to offer all kinds of help.

Some guided questions to get you started: 

What are some ways I can practice self-care?
How can I make myself successful in my physical recovery?
Am I being patient with myself?
Am I giving my body the time and resources it needs to properly heal?
How do I manage my stress?
Would seeking professional help be beneficial?

Talk to a therapist

This is their job! If you are uncomfortable with speaking to someone in your life, therapy is a great place to start. They can help you establish open lines of communication with others and work through your emotions in a healthy way.

Connect with other dancers

Every dancer has experienced injury at some point. They are the best equipped to give advice and empathize because injury recovery is a shared experience among the members of this community. Injury can be very isolating, and building a network of support around your recovery can ease some of the pressure and stress.


Do you have a personal experience with injury or advice that you would like to share? Have a question you would like answered? The Green Room is built on the insights and feedback from dance community members and strives to constantly update our recovery guides and FAQ pages. Leave a line below to let us know a piece of advice that you would like to see added or what question you would like to see answered.

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