Supporting Yourself

Recognize your needs

Set yourself up for success by recognizing your specific needs, and then make plans for how to fulfill them. By taking time to understand what you're feeling and why, you can fulfill those needs better later on.

Some guided questions to get you started: 

What are some ways I can practice self-care?
How can I make myself successful in my physical recovery?
Am I being patient with myself?
Am I giving my body the time and resources it needs to properly heal?
How do I manage my stress?
Would seeking professional help be beneficial?

Discover your resources

Now that you have established your needs, explore the resources at your disposal that can help you fill them. This can be anything from your community, journaling, or digital resources. As you continue through your recovery, refer back to this list as new needs arise.

Connect with others

The dance community may be spread thin, but we all share similar experiences. Injury can feel isolating, which can, in turn, cause feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Talk to other dancers in your community experiencing an injury, find a support group, or visit The Green Room’s Instagram to join the conversation there.

Talk with someone you trust

Asking for support is a great way to also support yourself. Only relying on yourself to process your emotions and work through them can be counterproductive. An external voice can be a helpful guide in helping you in a time of need or transition. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, teacher, or mentor.


Do you have a personal experience with injury or advice that you would like to share? Have a question you would like answered? The Green Room is built on the insights and feedback from dance community members and strives to constantly update our recovery guides and FAQ pages. Leave a line below to let us know a piece of advice that you would like to see added or what question you would like to see answered.

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